Category Archives: Ski Season

Aspen Snowmass Opens A Week Early For The 2015/2016 Ski Season

Here in Aspen Snowmass, we are officially opening a week early on Saturday for 2015/2016 ski season and the stoke level could not be higher! According to, Ajax Mountain is boasting a 19-inch base at the top and reporting 8 inches of new snow in the past 72 hours. Snowmass is reporting 13 inches […]

Aspen Ski Season is Almost Here and We Are Stocking The Latest Ski Rentals

Ski season is almost here-let the countdown begin! 79 days, to be exact, until the Aspen mountain gondola begins turning. Hamilton Sports is Aspen’s ski shop for the latest and greatest gear. This season, we are proud to be carrying nine models of Kastle skis. Brand new for the 2015/2016-ski season is Kastles FX, BMX […]

Spring Skiing and Parties Galore at Aspen Snowmass

Here at Hamilton Sports, spring is something we look forward to all year! And it is not just the slushy spring skiing that we love. The month of March in Aspen Snowmass is chalk full of ski and snowboard events, concerts and long après sessions at the base of the mountain. Keep on reading to […]

Winter is in Full Force and Hamilton Sports is Having a Ski Party!

Winter is hitting full force in  Aspen! And it does not look like it is going to be spring anytime soon. According the NOAA 7 day weather forecast: snow, snow and more snow. In the past 7 days, Aspen Snowmass reported 7 inches of new snow today with more on the way every day this […]

Snowy Nights and Bluebird Powder Days

Aspen Snowmass is having one of the best ski seasons ever! It seems like every night has brought snow flurries, while we have awakened to bluebird powder mornings. According to, we are currently at 122% of  our normal snow pack! Thanks to early season snow in November and pre Christmas storms, the mountain is […]

Women’s FIS Ski World Cup Rocks Aspen

The women’s Alpine Skiing World Cup kicked off on Aspen Mountain Thanksgiving weekend. Aspen/Snowmass snowmaking crews have been hard at work since early November getting the racecourse ready for the ladies on the 1A side of the mountain. Everyone was very thankful for the early November cold snap that brought snowflakes and kept the existing […]

Another Reason to be Thankful in Aspen

This ski season’s early opening on Ajax Mountain was one of the best we have ever seen and a great reason to be thankful! After our unseasonably warm fall weather, a cold front brought loads of snow to us here in Aspen that meant the mountain opened five days early on November 22, 2014. The […]

Winter Has Arrived in Full Force for an Awesome Ski Season!

After one of the most beautiful fall seasons Aspen has ever seen, winter is finally here. Last weeks cold front that moved down from Canada brought snow for seven days straight and produced over two feet of accumulation. To us here at Hamilton Sports and in Aspen, this weather pattern is very reminiscent to our […]