Winter is in Full Force and Hamilton Sports is Having a Ski Party!

Hamilton Sport Aspen Ski ShopWinter is hitting full force in  Aspen! And it does not look like it is going to be spring anytime soon. According the NOAA 7 day weather forecast: snow, snow and more snow. In the past 7 days, Aspen Snowmass reported 7 inches of new snow today with more on the way every day this week! Want to ski untouched powder and find out our favorite powder skis for the 2014/2015-ski season? Keep reading for insider tips on new terrain opening this week on Aspen Mountain.

So, what powder skis and Aspen Snowmass terrain are we at Hamilton Sports loving this year? For the super aggressive skier, the Blizzard Gunsmoke can do it all. With a 114mm waist and flip core design, this ski will float effortlessly down Walsh’s and still be able to carve it up on the groomed run-out. And for the ladies, the Rossignol Savory 7 is back again! Currently in stock in 162cm (102mm waist) and 170 cm (104mm waist), this powder specific ski also doubles as an all mountain ski. Come in and give them a try in our demo ski rental fleet! We promise, you will be amazed at the quickness of turns and the ease in the bumps.

Now, what you have been waiting for! What terrain on Ajax Mountain is opening for the first time this year? Trainor Ridge, known to locals as Trainors. How do you get there one might ask? First, head on over to   the Ruthies side of the mountain. On skiers left of Aztec, look for a small traverse that weaves in and out of the trees and follows the ridge line towards town. From here, take in the spectacular view of the city of Aspen. Next, get ready to shred! The zones are labeled T1-T6 but drop in anywhere that looks good. And a shout out to our awesome friends on the Aspen Mountain Ski Patrol for working so hard to get this terrain open for us this year.

With all this new snow new terrain is opening, and Hamilton Sports could not be more stoked! Plus, we have the powder skis you need. Stop by and check out the entire ski wall, plus our outwear collections by KJUS and Peak Performance.



39 thoughts on “Winter is in Full Force and Hamilton Sports is Having a Ski Party!

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